Developmental Psychology

A chronicle of the history "DevPsy.Org."

History of DevPsy.Org

In 1997 I first learned to design web pages and used them for a class I was teaching. A few pages in this site were first written at this time.

Between 1998 and 2003 I gradually designed a web-site for Developmental Psychology. This included posting lesson plans, which were surprisingly popular. Many pages from this site became the first pages written for DevPsy.Org. was released in August 2003.

For most of the next 3 years, a unique vistor came to every 7 minutes and about half of them bookmark the web-site. The percentage who bookmark the site peaks at the begining of traditional college semesters. By 2008, a unique visitor came to every 2 minutes.

My hope for this web-site, in the long term, is that it becomes a repository that brings together the best teaching ideas from many Developmental Psychologists.


Here is a directory of select pages on in alphabetical order by topic.

 academia,  academic phrases,  Antoine de Saint Exupery,  attachment theory,  Carol Gilligan,  confirmation bias,  developmental psychology,  developmental questions,  developmental stage,  developmental topics,  DevPsy,  Diana Baumrind,  etiology,  factor analysis,  fundamental attribution error,  gender,  gender segregation,  Genetic Epistemology,  graduate student,  graphic design,  habituation,  homosexuality,  humor,  imaginary audience,  infancy,  infant memory,  information processing,  IRB procedures,  IRB study approval,  Jean Piaget,  K Grobman,  Kermit the Frog,  language development,  Little Prince,  moral development,  Muppet Movie,  Nadine Stair,  parenting styles,  peer review,  Pick More Daises,  portal,  psychology talks,  Rainbow Connection,  scientific consensus,  scientists,  sex differences,  Sherwood Anderson,  Sigmund Freud,  statistics,  teaching,  unicode,  web color,  Winesburg Ohio,